Ferret Clothes DIY
Wanting to dress your pets in different clothes and costumes is common for people with any type of pets. But when that pet it is a ferret, finding or making the perfect ferret clothes might get a little complicated. With their skinny bodies and slithering nature, it makes sense why it could be difficult to get clothes that actually fit and stay on. So, here are some ways you could make cute little clothes for your ferrets.
Ferret sock sweater
This one is a simple one made with things you already have at home. Just make sure not to keep it on your ferret for a long time as it might make them slightly warmer.
What you will need:
- A sock
- Scissors
Step 1:
Take a sock that will be a firm fit for your ferret. So, choose a children’s sock for smaller ones and adult ones for larger ferrets. It is best to use thinner socks so that they don’t feel too hot when wearing it. Also be sure to use a fun sock that will look good as a sweater like fun ferret socks. Or at least something that compliments their colors.
Step 2:
Use the scissors to cut off the part where the toes usually go. This should leave you with a “tube” with both ends open.
Step 3:
With the sock folded in half, make a round hole through the heel of the sock. Do this away from the edge, so that two holes are created.
And you are done, super easy homemade ferret clothes! To dress your little pet in this sock sweater, pass the head and body through the big holes until the holes rest on the neck and body. Push the front legs out the smaller holes. This basic ferret sweater can go over your DIY ferret harness if you cut a small hole on top where the d-ring that attaches to the least can pop out. Sew a circle around the hole if it looks like it could start to rip or unravel.

Ferret Bandana Collar
If your fuzzball absolutely does not want to wear any of the ferret clothes you get, this bandana collar might be a great alternative. It is cute, simple, non-constricting and incredibly easy to make!
What you will need:
- A small bandana or a square piece of fabric
- A collar
- Needle
- Thread
Step 1:
Fold the bandana in half so that the folded shape creates a triangle. Make sure the length of the folded bandana is not longer than the length needed to wrap around your ferret’s neck.
Step 2:
Unlock the collar and pass it through the inside of the folded edge of the bandana.
Step 3:
Use the needle and thread to sew along the bottom of where the collar is on the bandana. This should create a loop in the bandana, inside which the collar is.
To put it on them, just wrap the collar around the neck like a normal collar. Now your ferret has a cute bandana to wrap around its neck!

Ferret bow tie
You can’t very well have a complete set of ferret clothes without a bowtie. This is similar to the bandana, but instead of a bandana it is a small and adorable bow. Use it as an alternative collar depending on how the ferret is feeling!
What you will need:
- Wide ribbon
- Thin ribbon
- Glue
- Scissors
- Collar
- Needle
- Thread
Step 1:
Cut a slightly long piece from the wider ribbon. Fold it in half by bringing each of the shorter edges to the middle. Glue the edges together with one on top of each other.
Step 2:
Cut out a short piece of the thinner ribbon. Use this piece to wrap around the center of the folded wide ribbon, so that a bow shape is created. Add a small amount of glue to the back to secure it in place.
Step 3:
Sew the bow onto the center of the collar using the needle and thread.
Simply use it as you would a regular collar, except this will look way more adorable!

There you go, three different outfits or at least accessories that you can easily make all by yourself for your little slithering buddies. Have fun dressing them up and watching them run about in these!
For more ferret ideas or to show off your homemade ferret clothes to the the ferret community, head on over to the forum.