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Games For Ferrets
Fun Games for Ferrets
Ferrets are naturally playful and mischievous creatures, so it is of no surprise that they love to play games. They are also curious beings and so require both physical and mental stimulation for their well-being. You can help your ferrets stay physically and mentally active by building them a DIY playground or playing games with them that engages their different senses.
Since ferrets are already very active, it is very easy to get them to play with you, all you will need is some time and maybe a few easily found toys.
Here are some games to play with your ferrets:
Moving toy chase
Ferrets love catching moving things, which makes this game just perfect. If you have any moving toys at home, this is the time to use those. These could be a wind-up mouse toy, a walking doll, a remote-control toy, or simple a toy tied with a string that you can drag around.
This is one of the simplest and most obvious games for ferrets. All you have got to do is get the toy in front of the ferret and then start moving it around and away. As it moves away, watch the natural curious instincts of the ferrets kick in as they start to chase it.
Ferrets are built to be natural hunters. But don’t worry, this hunting game does not involve catching any live animals or real prey. For this you will need some small treats instead. Take the treat and put those inside a container with a few holes so that the treats can be smelled.
Now cover this container in many layers using blankets, boxes, newspaper, and else anything that you have lying around. Make sure the ferrets are still able to smell the treats. Then notice how they go about hunting for these treats as the smell flows around.
If the ferrets do not show any signs of trying to find the treats, try hiding it again but this time show them as you are hiding the treats. Once they realize it has been hidden, they are sure to dig around through all those layers to find the treasure.
Ferret Tag
One of the classic games for ferrets. Yes, a good old game of tag is something you could teach your ferret to play with you! It is basically running, which they already do, so you will just need to teach them to alternate the chasing. To do this, start by running behind them and trying to catch them.
When you have caught up with them and they are tagged, turn around and show them to run behind you. Once they reach you, turn around and start running behind them again. After a couple of turns, they should be able to understand it and won’t need much convincing to switch turns and play.
Ferret Tunnels
We already know that ferrets love moving through tunnels, but you can play this tunnel game even without any tunnel toys. Instead of actual tunnels, use large bedsheets or blankets and cover your ferret with it. Place pillows on top of the sheets in some places to create “blockades”. In no time your pet will realize that this is a tunnel and will wiggle about trying to find its way out.
This is yet another of the simplest games for ferrets but it is time tested, all around fun for ferrets and you don’t need to buy anything from the pet store.
It might sound surprising to some, but you can actually play tug of war with ferrets! Use something that they can grab onto like a ribbon, shoelace, or a thin piece of fabric. Hold onto one of the ends and pass the other end to your ferret. When they grab onto their end, give it a slight tug so that they start to pull as well. Once the ferrets get the hang of it, they will start to pull as well, and the tug of war begins!
It is important to remember that ferrets have their individual personalities as well, so not all ferrets will like all the games and that is totally fine. You just need to test out different games with them and see which ones they play with the most enthusiasm. Whatever games they choose, there is nothing more fun than a couple of playing ferrets. Have fun playing!
Head on over to the forum to get more ideas and to share some of your favorite games for ferrets.
I love learning stuff about ferrets